Knitted Cat Ear Hat

Knitted cat ear hat can be knitted in a flat one piece of fabric, folded over and sew the sides together to create a hat with ears. The pointed ends have an appearance of small pointed cat ears. A warm article of clothing as well as being fun.

Although the Pussyhat has gathered some attention, this hat has gained prominence not only as a practical wardrobe item but also as a powerful symbol of support for women’s rights. Originally, it featured a pink knitted design, but today it appears in various colors and can also be found in crochet and sewn versions. You can learn more about the significance of the Pussyhat at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

The knitted cat ear hat while having many names the pussyhat, kitty hat or cat ear hat, is an easy beginner knit. Despite the different names to complicate its identity, the pattern is anything but complicated. Knitted in a flat piece of knitted fabric in a simple and elegant pattern. If you are looking for something easy, try a basic version or try a pattern with a level of complexity to add more of your personality.

The Pussyhat Project is a good place to check out an easy pattern. YouTube has a few more options with varying levels of difficulty to suit your level of skill.

How to knit a PussyHat for the PussyHat Project by WOOLANDTHEGANG

How to knit a PussyHat for the PussyHat Project by WOOLANDTHEGANG

How to Knit the Original PussyHat for Protest and Empowerment by Joy MacDonell

How to Knit the Original PussyHat for Protest and Empowerment by Joy MacDonell

PINK PUSSYCAT HAT by knittingtipsbyjudy

Knit Hat | Knitting for Beginners | How to Knit | How to knit a Cat Hat by Pattymac Makes

How to knit a cat hat / beginner friendly tutorial by Tommy’s sheep crochet and knitting

How to Knit a Cat Ear Beanie for beginners, quick and easy tutorial! by SoJo

How to knit the easiest Kitty Cat Hat for Halloween (12 months – adult size) by So Woolly

Knitting a hat with ears (cat’s ears) by Uroki Vyazaniya EN

Knitting a hat with ears (cat’s ears) by Uroki Vyazaniya EN

Hand-knitting of a hat with cat’s ears. by Uroki Vyazaniya EN

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